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Comic books: a print job defying the downturn?

You only have to look at cinema listings over the last few years to understand just how important comic books have been to the silver screen. In the last three years alone, we’ve had The Dark Knight Rises, Avengers Assemble, Thor, Iron Man 2 (with 3 on its way), Captain America, Dredd and Kick-Ass – among countless more. It’s not just the licensing deals that are doing well, though.

According to the latest report for comic book news site Bleeding Cool, it was revealed that two of the most popular recent titles were going for their fifth and fourth reprints, respectively, highlighting the continued desire for the format – a feat that many newspapers are struggling to replicate.

The first issue of Marvel’s Hawkeye comic developed by Matt Fraction and David Aja – which is based on a character more commonly known from his inclusion in the recent Avengers film – has truly impressed the graphic novel community, and the first print of the first issue is now worth between $40 and $90.

Meanwhile, Borderlands Origins #1 from IDW is now heading into its fourth round of printing. Based on the popular computer game which celebrated great feedback from gamers and reviewers alike for its long-awaited sequel, the Borderlands franchise looks like it’s taking off both on and off our screens.

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